Monday, January 31, 2011

New Website on Japanese Stiltgrass

Angie Shelton at Indiana University has created a new website on predicting the spread of invasive species, with a focus on her research on Japanese stiltgrass. The information will be of interest to both land managers and researchers. Take a look at

To hear Angie’s talk on the topic from the Stiltgrass Summit, hosted by River to River Cooperative Weed Management Area last summer, visit

Invasive Plant Curriculum

Here is a neat curriculum to assistance teachers in teaching their students about invasive plant issues.

Alien Invasion: Plants on the Move
Weed Curriculum for grades K-12

Thursday, January 20, 2011

New Publication on Management of Aquatic Invasive Plants

A very detailed publication on the 'Biology and Control of Aquatic Plants' in now available online from the Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration Foundation.

A copy of the book can be found at: