Friday, June 19, 2015

Phenology Report for June 19, 2015

From time to time, we will be reporting on the development of invasive plants across Illinois, informing readers about what is in bloom, leafing out, setting seed, senescing in different regions of the state.  Feel free to add to the knowledge by emailing and letting me know what the plants are doing in your area of Illinois.
Phenology Report for June 19, 2015*
(Contributors include Nick Seaton, Caleb Grantham, Eric Smith, Ryan Campbell, Tricia Bethke, and Mike Daab)
*Report based upon observations between June 10-18, 2015

Southern Illinois
  • Multiflora rose, Rosa multiflora, bush honeysuckle, Lonicera maackii, and  Autumn olive, Elaeagnus umbellataThese common woody shrub species are all past bloom with green fruit that is starting to ripen.  At this time the plants are susceptible to herbicide treatments (both foliar and cut stump work at this time of year). 
  • Garlic mustard, Alliaria petiolata - This herbaceous woodland invader is senescing and starting to drop mature seeds.  Control at this time of year is not practical because of the risk to spreading seeds.
  • Sweet clover, Melilotus sp. - Sweet clover, both yellow and white, are in full bloom throughout the region.  Look for them along roadsides, in prairies, and other open areas
  • Sericea lespedeza, Lespedeza cuneata -  Sericea lespedeza is reaching its full height but not in flower yet.  Look for this species growing in open areas, prairies, pastures, and roadsides.  Control is effective at this point through flowering.
  • Japanese stiltgrass, Microstegium vimineum - This annual grass species is starting to put on a lot of growth but will not flower until near the end of summer.  Germination is likely finished for the year so treatments can begin.
  • Poison hemlock, Conium maculatum  - This biennial members of the carrot family is past peak on blooming.   Most plants are transitioning into seed production  Herbicide treatments are likely not effective at this point.
  • Reed Canarygrass, Phalaris arundinacea - This perennial grass species is transitioning from flowering to mature seed.  If control is desired at this time of year, the most productive method would be to mow the plants down (clean the equipment afterwards) and wait until the regrowth is 18-24" high before applying herbicide.  Keep in mind that this species often grows in wet areas.  If so, an aquatic-labelled herbicide should be used.
  • Crown vetch, Securigera varia - This perennial herbaceous vine is in full bloom.  You can find this plant along many roadsides in the region.
  • Chinese yam, Dioscorea oppositifolia - This herbaceous perennial vine is growing rapidly.  Look for the aerial tubers, called bulbils, to start to form at any point.
  • Teasel, Dipsacus sp. - Both common and cutleaf teasel are bolting and initial flower heads forming, though no flowers have been observed yet.  Now is the perfect time to treat teasel with herbicides but once flowering has started, switch to hand-pulling.  Mowing or cutting the flower heads off is not effective.
  • Mimosa, Albizia julibrissin, and rose of Sharon, Hibiscus syriacus - both of these shrubs/trees are starting to flower right now.  Look for them along roadsides and forest edges.
  • Common reed, Phragmites australis - This huge grass species is growing very fast and starting to get very tall but flower formation has not be observed yet.  The best time to treat this species is right at the point of flower initiation.
  • Hedgeparsley, Torilis sp. - This herbaceous member of the carrot family is just starting to bloom now.  Hedgeparsley is a relatively new invader to southern Illinois but can be found along roadsides and other disturbed areas and can grow in both sun and shade environments.
  • Johnsongrass, Sorghum halepense - This state Noxious Weed is just starting to come into flower.  Control is most effective on populations that are almost blooming, but treatments can still be made to populations in early flowering.
Central Illinois
  • Sweet clover, Melilotus sp. - Yellow sweet clover is in full bloom and white sweet clover is just starting to bloom.  Look for them along roadsides, in prairies, and other open areas.
  • Dame's Rocket, Hesperis matronalis  - This species is past peak in blooming.  While some blooms can still be observed, plants mostly have seed pods on them at this point.  Mechanical control (i.e. hand pulling) can still be effective though care needs to be taken not to spread the seeds.
  • Poison hemlock, Conium maculatum and Wild parsnip, Pastinaca sativa - both of these biennial plants are in bloom right now, though moving towards past peak.  While treatments can still be somewhat effective the best timing is just before blooming.
  • Teasel, Dipsacus sp. - Teasel is bolting right now but not forming flowers.  This is the ideal time to treat teasel chemically.
  • Canada thistle, Cirsium arvense - This perennial thistle is just starting to come into flower.  Unlike most of the other thistles, this species can also spread via rhizomes.
  • Reed canarygrass, Phalaris arundinacea - This perennial grass species seeds are starting to harden.  If control is desired at this time of year, the most productive method would be to mow the plants down (clean the equipment afterwards) and wait until the regrowth is 18-24" high before applying herbicide.  Keep in mind that this species often grows in wet areas.  If so, an aquatic-labelled herbicide should be used.
  • Crown vetchSecurigera varia and Birdsfoot trefoil, Lotus corniculatus - These two invasive members of the bean family are in full bloom.  Look for them in open areas, such as roadsides and prairies.
Northern Illinois

  • Wild parsnip, Pastinaca sativa - This biennial species is blooming, but past peak.  Care should be taken to not expose your skin to wild parsnip sap, particularly in the presence of sunlight, as this can result in sever rashes and burns.
  • Poison hemlock, Conium maculatum - This biennial invader of open lands is forming buds but not yet blooming.  This is an ideal time to treat this species.  Unlike wild parsnip, this species typically does not give you burns or rashes when it contacts your skin, but it is extremely poisonous if ingested.
  • Multiflora rose, Rosa multiflora - This species is blooming but past peak flowering.  At this time this species is susceptible to herbicide treatments (both foliar and cut stump work at this time of year)
  • Bush honeysuckle, Lonicera maackii - This woody shrub is past flowering and beginning to set fruit, though the fruit are not ripe yet.  At this time this species is susceptible to herbicide treatments (both foliar and cut stump work at this time of year)
  • Common buckthorn, Rhamnus cathartica - This woody shrub/small tree is past blooming but fruit have not yet formed.  At this time this species is susceptible to herbicide treatments (both foliar and cut stump work at this time of year)
  • Crown vetchSecurigera varia and Birdsfoot trefoil, Lotus corniculatus - These two invasive members of the bean family are starting to bloom.  Look for them in open areas, such as roadsides and prairies.
  • Sweet clover, Melilotus sp. - Yellow sweet clover is blooming but white sweet clover has not yet started to flower.  Look for them along roadsides, in prairies, and other open areas.
  • Japanese knotweed, Fallopia japonica - This aggressive herbaceous perennial is blooming at this point.  Even though flowers are present, seed viability is often low and this species can be effectively controlled at this point.
  • Purple loosestrife, Lythrum salicaria - this wetland invader is not yet blooming.  While it can be hard to spot when it is not in flower, this is a great time to treat the species.  When using chemical treatments, be sure to use an herbicide approved for use in aquatic situations.
  • Teasel, Dipsacus sp. - Teasel is starting to bolt right now but not forming flowers.  This is the ideal time to treat teasel chemically.
  • Yellow sweet flag iris, Iris pseudacorus - This invasive iris is past flowering.  Because this species often grows in wetlands, be sure to use an herbicide that is approved for use in aquatic situations when treating it.
  • Reed canarygrass, Phalaris arundinacea - This species is in full flower.  While pre-flowering and very early flowering are the best times to treat this species, effective control can be achieved at full flower.  Once the flowers start to fade, consider mowing the grass and treating the regrowth.
  • Fig buttercup, Ficaria verna - This species is starting to senesce.  It is too late to do any management on this species for this growing season.  The early phenology of this species causes it to directly compete with many of our spring ephemeral wildflowers. 

Monday, June 15, 2015

Invasive Species Campaign and The Nature Conservancy host successful workshop on Mobile Technologies for Tracking Natural Resource Management Data

On June 9th, at the Rend Lake Visitors Center in Benton, The Illinois Wildlife Action Plan's Invasive Species Campaign and The Nature Conservancy's Southern Illinois Invasive Species Strike Team partnered to conduct a workshop that demonstrated the Strike Team's use of the ESRI Collector App and GPS-enabled tablets and smartphones to collect natural resource management data.

While the Strike Team uses this set up to track invasive species data, it has the potential to be used to collect any geographic-based data, including prescribed fire, easements, rare species monitoring, forest stand improvements, etc.

Thirty-four people attended the workshop from a  variety of state and federal agencies, universities, and organizations.  Both classroom presentations and hands-on field demonstrations were used during the workshop and attendees got the opportunity to collect data, download information, sync the devices and use the online mapping interface to view the data.

TNC Strike Team member Nick Seaton discusses the use of ESRI's
collector app to track invasive species management data.

TNC Strike Team member Caleb Grantham demonstrates how the
collector app works on a smartphone.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Guest Article - Be a Hero - Transport Zero Campaign

Illinois is full of dedicated people and innovative ideas for addressing invasive species. From time to time, this blog is going to host guest articles in which the stories about some of these people, projects, or ideas are told. The next article in this series comes from Sarah Zack, with Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant and the Illinois Natural History Survey.  Sarah writes here about the Be a Hero-Transport Zero campaign.  All of the guest articles can be viewed HERE.

Be a hero – help prevent the spread of invaders in Illinois!
by Sarah Zack, Aquatic Invasive Species Specialist
Some of Illinois’ greatest natural treasures are Lake Michigan and the many inland lakes and rivers.  These waters are home for hundreds of fish, invertebrate, waterfowl and plant species, and they provide recreational opportunities and beautiful natural vistas for the people of Illinois to enjoy.  Illinois’ waters also provide a significant boost to our economy, since aquatic recreation is a favorite pastime of people all over the state.  Most people are probably already aware that invasive species – non-native plants, animals, or pathogens that cause harm to natural areas – have long been recognized as a serious economic and environmental threat.  Aquatic invasive species (AIS) can severely impede some of our favorite outdoor activities – Asian carp in the Illinois River can make waterskiing impossible, Eurasian watermilfoil infestations can choke waterways and make swimming difficult, round gobies can decimate smallmouth bass and crappie recruitment; the list goes on and on. In general, people are well aware of the potential negative impacts of AIS in their waterways, but what people don’t always know is that they can make a real difference in the fight against these aquatic invaders. 
Figure 1: Recreational water user equipment can easily transport aquatic invasive species such as zebra mussels.
In collaboration with the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant and the Illinois Natural History Survey (INHS) launched Be a Hero-Transport Zero, a statewide outreach campaign designed to raise awareness of AIS prevention.  

Figure 2: The campaign logo for Be a Hero-Transport Zero™.

The target of this campaign is recreation­al water users – boaters, anglers, waterfowl hunters, and others who enjoy Illinois’ waters – who might unknow­ingly spread these species from one body of water to another. When people trailer their boats or move their gear after a day on the wa­ter, they may be carrying AIS that could acciden­tally be introduced into a new waterbody.  The campaign message emphasizes three simple actions to help pre­vent this from happening—remove plants, animals, and mud from all equipment, drain all water from your boat and gear, and dry everything thoroughly with a towel. 

Figure 3: Television commercial promoting the Be A Hero-Transport Zero™ campaign.

Since its widespread release in May 2013, Be a Hero-Transport Zero™ has reached an impressive number of people in Illinois:
  • Via in-person events like talks to fishing clubs, booths at boat shows, and the Clean Boats Crew program, over 11,000 recreational water users have been exposed to AIS issues and the ways in which they can prevent the introduction and spread of AIS.
  • Television commercials, print ads in Outdoor Illinois News, radio spots statewide on WGN and CBS radio, and online advertising on the Chicago Tribune, NBCSports, and WGN websites resulted in over 150 million exposures to the campaign message.
  • The campaign website had over 7,000 visitors, which tells us that many people are motivated to learn more about how they can help prevent the spread of AIS.
A recent survey conducted by INHS’s Human Dimensions Research Program indicated that the Be A Hero-Transport Zero™ campaign is effective.  Nearly 90% of those surveyed could correctly interpret the AIS prevention message represented by the logo.  Even more promising is the fact that people who had previously seen or heard the campaign message were significantly more likely to always remove and drain.  These data are very encouraging, and indicate that the public is getting the message that their actions are important in the fight against AIS.

This campaign is designed to address the spread of invasive species on land as well.  The Be a Hero-Transport Zero™ logo has also been adapted for terrestrial invasive plants (such as garlic mustard) and forest pests (such as the emerald ash borer).  Ultimately, Be A Hero-Transport Zero™ will convey a unify­ing message to anyone who boats, hikes, camps, fishes, or hunts in Illinois that invasive species aren’t good for Illinois’ economy or environment and that their actions can and do make a difference.  As the campaign pro­gresses, look for the Be A Hero-Transport Zero™ mes­sage at trailheads, on signage, and in hunting guides and pamphlets at natural areas throughout the state.

Figure 4: The complete set of “Be a Hero” AIS prevention campaign logos.  From left to right: aquatic transport. terrestrial transport, and release.

To round out our efforts, and truly make “Be a Hero” Illinois’ comprehensive invasive species campaign, we’re also gearing up to launch Be a Hero-Release Zero™.  This expansion of the campaign introduces water gardeners, aquarium hobbyists, and others who buy and sell species to safe alternatives to disposing of unwanted plants and animals.  Releasing plants and animals into nearby waterways might seem like a humane way to deal with the goldfish that’s outgrown his tank or the plants that have spread too thickly in your water garden, but this action could be unknowingly spreading invaders from one waterbody into another.  The Be a Hero-Release Zero™ message encourages gardeners and hobbyists to instead bag and place plants in the trash, find a new home for animals (or seek advice on humane disposal), and disinfect or properly dispose of water.
For more information about the Be a Hero-Transport Zero campaign, visit our website at  Look for information about prevention tips for hikers, campers, and other recreationists, as well as information about the Release Zero campaign coming soon.
Sarah Zack is an aquatic invasive species specialist with Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant and the Illinois Natural History Survey. Please check out the Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant website  for information about aquatic invasive species in Illinois, or contact Sarah at for more information

Monday, May 18, 2015

Phenology Report for May 18, 2015

From time to time, we will be reporting on the development of invasive plants across Illinois, informing readers about what is in bloom, leafing out, setting seed, senescing in different regions of the state.  Feel free to add to the knowledge by emailing and letting me know what the plants are doing in your area of Illinois.
Phenology Report for May 18, 2015*
(Contributors include Mike Davis, Nick Seaton, Caleb Grantham, Eric Smith, Scott Schirmer, Cathy McGlynn, and Kathleen Garness)
*Report based upon observations between May 11-15, 2015

Southern Illinois
  • Multiflora rose, Rosa multiflora and bush honeysuckle, Lonicera maackii - These two common woody shrub species are in full bloom.  Spring leaf expansion is complete and the plants are susceptible to herbicide treatments (both foliar and cut stump work at this time of year).  Since both species do attract pollinators, it is recommended that you wait until the blooms have diminished before any foliar applications of herbicide.
  • Japanese honeysuckle, Lonicera japonica - this invasive plant is blooming now.  This species has a very long bloom window and can flower from now through the summer and fall, even into early winter.
  • Autumn olive, Elaeagnus umbellata and Callery pear, Pyrus calleryana - These invasive shrubs/small trees are both past flowering and have small, unripe fruits.  They are both susceptible to herbicide treatments at this point in development. 
  • Garlic mustard, Alliaria petiolata - This herbaceous woodland invader is nearly finished blooming and now mostly has green, unripe fruit pods.  Herbicide treatments are not effective at this developmental stage.  Instead, hand pull, bag, and remove plants.
  • Sweet clover, Melilotus sp. and Sericea lespedeza, Lespedeza cuneata - both of these invasive members of the bean family are starting vigorous growth.  Sweet clover is in full flower.  Sericea lespedeza is not flowering yet but is in some place about knee high.  Look for these species growing in open areas, prairies, pastures, and roadsides.
  • Japanese stiltgrass, Microstegium vimineum - this annual grass species started germinating about three weeks ago and is now several inches high.  As the temperatures increase, expect the growth rate of this plant to drastically increase.  While the plants can be easily killed at this time of year, subsequent germination can still occur.  Either plan on coming back at a later date for follow up treatments or hold off on treatments until mid-late summer.
  • Poison hemlock, Conium maculatum and Wild parsnip, Pastinaca sativa - Both of these are biennial members of the carrot family.  Poison hemlock is flowering at this point and wild parsnip is just starting to come into flower.  Herbicide treatments can still be effective at this point, but watch poison hemlock and stop applying herbicides when the flowers start to turn into fruit.
  • Reed Canarygrass, Phalaris arundinacea - This perennial grass species is just starting to flower.  Now is a great time of year to control this species with an herbicide application.  Keep in mind that this species often grows in wet areas.  If so, an aquatic-labelled herbicide should be used.
  • Crow vetch, Securigera varia - This perennial herbaceous vine is just starting to bloom.  You can find this plant along many roadsides in the region.
Central Illinois
  • Garlic mustard, Alliaria petiolata - This biennial invasive plant is in full flower right now but many are starting to show the seed pods.  While herbicides could still be effective at this point with so few seed pods, it may be more effective to hand pull, bag, and remove plants.
  • Sweet clover, Melilotus sp. - is starting to bolt but is still low and "bushy" looking with no flowers yet.  This is a great time of year to treat this species, taking care to avoid non-target impacts.  UPDATE: On 5-18, Sweet clover was just starting to come into flower in this region.
  • Dame's Rocket, Hesperis matronalis  - Is in full flower right now, but no seed pods have been observed yet.  As with garlic mustard, the best method of control when the plants are in full flower is to hand pull, bag, and remove all plants.
  • Poison hemlock, Conium maculatum and Wild parsnip, Pastinaca sativa - both of these biennial plants are bolting but neither is flowering as of yet, though they are close.  This is the ideal time to treat them.
  • Crown vetch, Securigera varia - This perennial herbaceous vine is growing quickly, but no flowers as of yet.
  • Bush honeysuckle, Lonicera maackii and Autumn olive, Elaeagnus umbellata  - These woody invasive shrubs are both flowering, but no fruit formation as of yet.  Spring leaf expansion is complete and the plants are susceptible to herbicide treatments (both foliar and cut stump work at this time of year).  Since both species do attract pollinators, it is recommended that you wait until the blooms have diminished before any foliar applications of herbicide.
  • Star of Bethlehem,Ornithogalum umbellatum  - This weedy low growing plant is in full flower, but is past peak.  Flowering should end soon.
Northern Illinois

  • Garlic mustard, Alliaria petiolata - This biennial invasive plant is in full flower right now and just starting to develop seed pods.  While herbicides could still be effective at this point with so few seed pods, it may be more effective to hand pull, bag, and remove plants.
  • Yellow rocket, Barbarea vulgaris - This weedy mustard is in full bloom now.  You can see this plant in roadsides, old fields, and other open areas.
  • Canada thistle, Cirsium arvense - This perennial thistle is starting to grow but not yet near bloom.  Bull thistle, Cirsium vulgare, and teasel, Dipsacus sp., rosettes are apparent but not near blooming.
  • Reed canarygrassPhalaris arundinacea - This perennial grass is starting to mature but not in flower yet.  The best time of year to control this species with an herbicide application is just at the point of flowering.  Keep in mind that this species often grows in wet areas.  If so, an aquatic-labelled herbicide should be used.
  • Common buckthorn, Rhamnus cathartica - This woody invasive shrub/small tree is fully leafed out.  Spring leaf expansion is complete and the plants are susceptible to herbicide treatments (both foliar and cut stump work at this time of year). 
  • Japanese honeysuckle, Lonicera japonica - this woody invasive vine is just starting to bloom.  This species has a very long bloom window and can flower from now through the summer and fall, even into early winter.
  • Bush honeysuckle, Lonicera maackii and Japanese barberry, Berberis thunbergii - These woody invasive shrubs are both in bloom right now.  Spring leaf expansion is complete and the plants are susceptible to herbicide treatments (both foliar and cut stump work at this time of year). 
  • Leafy spurge, Euphorbia esula -  This herbaceous plant is in full bloom.

Monday, May 11, 2015

ISAM History - by the Numbers

Now that the calendars have turned to May, it is time to welcome everyone to Illinois Invasive Species Awareness Month.  This is the sixth year now for ISAM in Illinois and it only continues to grow.  That first year (2010) a total of 70 events were held.  This year, we have over 160 events on the calendar with more still being added!

Now that ISAM is becoming an established tradition in Illinois, this is a good time to look back at some of the history of Invasive Species Awareness Month, the effort and groups involved in getting it started, and the types of events held as part of ISAM.

The idea of Illinois Invasive Species Awareness Month was developed by the River to River CWMA steering committee in 2009.  Originally ISAM was going to be only a southern Illinois initiative (since that is the area covered by River to River CWMA), but the idea was brought to the Illinois Invasive Plant Species Council in the fall of 2010 and was met with enthusiasm to take it statewide.

Support letters were written, a website, blog, and Facebook page created and we were off to the races!

May was chosen as the perfect month for ISAM for two reasons, 1. it fit throughout the state as a month that volunteer workdays are happening (in particular garlic mustard pulls) and 2. school is still in session and the group wanted to make sure school classes had an opportunity to participate.

Through six years of Invasive Species Awareness Month, we've accumulated quite impressive statistics.  Below are some highlights of ISAM, by the numbers.

ISAM by the numbers:

2010 - First year for ISAM

66,036 - Number of pageviews the ISAM blog ( has received since it came online on April 21, 2010

569 - total number of events held over the six years of ISAM
('10 - 70, '11 - 64, '12 - 64, '13 - 84, '14 - 123, '15 - 164)

110 - People signed up to attend this year's Illinois Invasive Species Symposium

41 - Number of Great Garlic Mustard Event volunteer workdays planned by the East Central Illinois Invasive Plant Taskforce over the last two years

35 - Organizations that submitted letters of support for the initial establishment of Illinois Invasive Species Awareness Month

21 - Individuals, organizations or projects that have received an Illinois Invasive Species Award

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Phenology Report for April 14, 2015

From time to time, we will be reporting on the development of invasive plants across Illinois, informing readers about what is in bloom, leafing out, setting seed, senescing in different regions of the state.  Feel free to add to the knowledge by emailing and letting me know what the plants are doing in your area of Illinois.
Phenology Report for April 14, 2015*
(Contributors include Cathy McGlynn, Mike Daab, Caleb Grantham, Nick Seaton, and Eric Smith, )
*Report based upon observations between April 8-14, 2015
Southern Illinois
  • Multiflora rose, Rosa multiflora and bush honeysuckle, Lonicera maackii  - These two common woody shrub species are actively expanding their leaves right now and are nearing full leaf expansion.  This is not the time of year to treat these species with chemicals.  Wait until the leaves have fully expanded before conducting cut stump or foliar applications.
  • Autumn olive, Elaeagnus umbellata - This species is actively expanding its leaves and starting to flower. This is not the time of year to treat this species with chemicals.  Wait until the leaves have fully expanded before conducting cut stump or foliar applications.
  • Callery (Bradford) pear, Pyrus calleryana - This species is past peak for flowering.  Many of the plants still have flowers on them but the leaves are expanding now as the flowers fade.  It is still a great time of year to find and report new populations.  Look for this species along roadsides, rights-of-way, and other open habitats.
  • Garlic mustard, Alliaria petiolata - Garlic mustard is bolting right now and starting to bloom. If a population is bolting but not flowering, it can still be treated with herbicide.  Once the population starts flowering heavily, you best option is to hand pull, bag, and remove the plants.
  • Italian arum, Arum italicum - Is starting to actively grow.  New succulent leaves can be found.  This new invader is showing up in land within and adjacent to urban areas.
Central Illinois
  • Bush honeysuckle, Lonicera maackii; autumn olive, Elaeagnus umbellata; and Japanese honeysuckle, Lonicera japonica - These woody species are starting to leaf out, moving towards mid-leaf expansion.  This is not the time of year to treat these species with chemicals.  Wait until the leaves have fully expanded before conducting cut stump or foliar applications.
  • Callery (Bradford) pear, Pyrus calleryana - This species is beginning to flower now.  This is the perfect time of year to survey and find new populations of this plant.  Look for this species along roadsides, rights-of-way, and other open habitats.
  • Garlic mustard, Alliaria petiolata - Garlic mustard is not yet starting to bolt in Central Illinois but is expected to soon.  These populations can be treated with herbicides or hand-pulled.  Once the populations start to flower heavily, then hand pull, bag, and remove the plants.
Northern Illinois
  • Lesser celandine, Ranunculus ficaria - This new invader is starting to bloom.  The bright yellow flowers blooming in low woods are easily spotted this time of year.  Be sure to verify identification, as there are native wildflowers that bloom in early spring that could be confused with this species.
  • Japanese barberry, Berberis thungbergii and goutweed, Aegopodium podagraria - These two invaders are actively expanding their leaves right now.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

2015 Illinois Invasive Species Symposium - May 28th in Champaign, IL

As the culminating event of 2015 Illinois Invasive Species Awareness Month, the Illinois Invasive Species Symposium promises to be a great opportunity to learn more about what is happening on the invasive species front throughout Illinois. The Illinois Invasive Species Symposium is a one-day, all-taxa symposium that features talks on current and emerging issues surrounding invasive plants, diseases, insects, and animals in Illinois.  Also including in the symposium is a ceremony for this year's Invasive Species Awareness Month Award winners.

This year's symposium will be held on May 28th from 9:30am - 4pm at the University of Illinois Extension Office in Champaign.  The symposium is free and open to the public.  We are planning on a live webcast of all presentations again this year, so check back for details on this as we get closer to the date.

*UPDATE - Onsite registration for the symposium is now full.  You can view a live webcast of the symposium at

More information on the symposium can be found at:

Recordings of last year's symposium can be found at:

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Japanese stiltgrass found in Iowa

Last fall, an infestation of Japanese stiltgrass (Microstegium vimineum) was found in Johnson County Iowa.  This represents that first time this species has been found in that state and the furthest Northwest it has been found.

Even though stiltgrass is an annual plant that ‘comes on’ primarily in the summer, it can still be identified this time of year by the thatch.  New germinates will start in late spring / early summer.

Below is a link to a document on the identification of stiltgrass that you might find useful –

Lastly, if you do know of or find infestations of stiltgrass in areas that are not indicated on this map, please enter the record into EDDMapS at   Just from looking at the map, I would think the Mississippi River corridor between Illinois and Missouri is a prime spot to find new infestations.

Job Announcement - Invasive Species Project Coordinator - River to River CWMA

The Shawnee Resource Conservation and Development Area, Inc.
River to River Cooperative Weed Management Area

Job Description

Position Title:                   River to River Cooperative Weed Management Area Project Coordinator
Salary:                               $3,700 - $5,800 per month
Location:                           Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge, Marion, IL
Closing Date:                    4/17/2015

Essential Functions
The River to River Cooperative Weed Management Area Project Coordinator (PC) is a full-time contract position.   As this is a contract position, benefits are not included.  Contract work is secured through June 2017.  The PC serves as the coordinator of the River to River Cooperative Weed Management Area, a joint project of 13 Steering Committee members (see table below).  The PC’s office is based at the Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge Headquarters in Marion, IL but work will be conducted throughout the entire CWMA area.  This position takes lead responsibility for the CWMA, providing oversight and support for the implementation of CWMA projects and further development to achieve the mission of the CWMA.  The CWMA’s mission is to establish a framework for cooperatively addressing the effects of non-native invasive plants across jurisdictional boundaries within the 11 southern counties (Alexander, Gallatin, Hardin, Jackson, Johnson, Massac, Pope, Pulaski, Saline, Williamson, and Union) in Illinois.    To learn more about the CWMA, visit

  River to River Cooperative Weed Management Area Steering Committee Members
Illinois Department of Natural Resources
USDA Forest Service - Shawnee National Forest
USFWS-Cypress Creek National Wildlife Refuge
USFWS-Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge
USFWS-Middle Mississippi River National Wildlife Refuge
USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service
USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
Illinois Department of Transportation
Illinois Department of Agriculture
Southern Illinois University at Carbondale
University of Illinois Extension
The Nature Conservancy
Shawnee Resource Conservation and Development Area, INC.

The coordinator will work as part of the CWMA Steering Committee to provide oversight and support for the planning and implementation of projects to achieve the mission of the CWMA.  The coordinator has primary responsibility for completed project deliverables on existing grant-funded projects.  The coordinator also works with public agencies, conservation groups, and private landowners to advance the CWMA and ensure abatement of invasive plant species threats to the Cooperative Weed Management Area.  The CWMA Project Coordinator does not currently supervise other employees but does help direct the contractual work of others.

Specific Requirements
  • Bachelor’s degree in natural resource management or related area and 1 to 2 years related experience or equivalent combination.  Additional education may be substituted for experience.
  • Proven effectiveness in working with public agencies and other land managers.
  • Excellent written and oral communication and presentation skills; ability to persuasively convey the CWMA mission to diverse groups including elected officials, donors, agencies, the public and others.  Working knowledge of invasive species prevention, early detection, containment and control techniques.
  • An in-depth understanding of the ecological impacts of invasive species.
  • Demonstrated ability to secure funding.

Specific Duties
  1. Coordinate CWMA steering committee meetings and other meetings as needed.
  2. Provide strategic financial and technical assistance to landowners for invasive plant control within the CWMA.
  3. Implement the invasive species control portion of a forest health project that incorporates prescribed fire (in collaboration with the Southern Illinois Prescribed Burn Association) to promote forest health.  Work with Master Naturalists, volunteers and the volunteer coordinator to establish the Forest Restoration Support Team (FRST).  Conduct workdays and education and outreach events.
  4. Facilitate the implementation of the Illinois Wildlife Action Plan’s Invasive Species Campaign within the CWMA.
  5. Provide invasive plant workshops and training sessions for volunteers, landowners, businesses, and agencies.   Serve as the point person for collection and dissemination of information on invasive plant species in the CWMA.  Disseminate educational material focused on regional invasive species.  Prepare new educational materials. 
  6. Consult with land management agencies, the Southern Illinois Invasive Species Strike Team, and private landowners on up-to-date control information, regional invasive plant priorities, and application methods.
  7. Develop annual CWMA reports and management plans for priority species. 
  8. Identify and seek out available funding opportunities.
  9. Compile, collect, and enter invasive plant distribution data into the EDDMapS mapping system.
  10. Work with CWMA members to continue Early Detection and Rapid Response for new invasive species.
  11.  Administer and initiate CWMA initiatives coordinated with local, state, and federal government agencies and other organizations.
  12.  Effectively represent the CWMA to the general public, elected and other governmental officials, industry, donors, media and other individuals and organizations.
  13. Facilitate Invasive Species Awareness Month activities and events within the CWMA.
  14. Continue the development of the CWMA website, Facebook page and news blog.
  15. Other duties as assigned by the Steering Committee.

  1. Knowledge of current trends in invasive species policy, management and planning at the local, state, and national scale.
  2. Successful experience in developing, directing and managing multiple projects and implementing strategic project goals.
  3. Management and administration experience, including ability to motivate, lead, meet objectives and manage performance of a large partnership.
  4. Demonstrated experience in MS Office software, database/website development and GIS.

Complexity/Problem Solving
  1. Cultivate the creative ideas of others to identify potential solutions.  Experiment to find creative solutions – think outside the box.
  2. Resolve complex issues independently within the project area. 
  3. Design, implement, and direct multiple projects within the local area, setting deadlines and ensuring project accountability.

  1. Make sound decisions based on analysis, experience and judgment.
  2. Act independently within broad program goals.
  3. Decisions will affect other partners within project area and may have project-wide impact.

Responsibility/Oversight – Financial & Supervisory
  1. Serve as project coordinator for CWMA and for some projects; coordinate the work of others.
  2. Financial responsibility includes setting and meeting fundraising goals, i.e. grant preparation, evaluating results, and developing corrective strategies as needed.  Responsibility and accountability for meeting CWMA strategic goals and objectives.
  3. Will need to gain cooperation from individuals or groups over whom there is no direct authority in order to accomplish project goals.

Communications/Interpersonal Contacts
  1. Communication and presentations skills; ability to persuasively convey the mission of CWMA to diverse groups including elected officials, donors, steering committee, the public and others.  Communicate strategic project goals and objectives.
  2. Work in partnership with other organizations in a collaborative or advisory role.
  3. Prepare and present project proposals, including negotiating with federal, state and local agencies and other organizations to achieve project goals.

Working conditions/Physical effort
  1. Ability to work effectively under pressure and meet deadlines.
  2. Ability to work an irregular schedule including weekends and unpredicted schedule change, travel on short notice.

To apply, send Cover Letter, Resume (including 3 references), and Narrative addressing the Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities to:
Chris Evans
11731 State Highway 37
Benton, IL 62812
fax: 618-439-7376

Note:  Electronic submittals are accepted and encouraged.  All materials must be received on or before Close of Business on 4/17/2015

For questions, contact Chris Evans at 618.435.8138 X 131 or

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To file a complaint of discrimination: write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326-W, Whitten Building, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington D.C. 20250-9410 or call (202) 720-5964 (voice and TDD).  USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.